EVENING Advertiser readers are needed to help bring a smile to scores of young cancer sufferers.

The De Vere Hotel at Shaw Ridge in West Swindon will play host to a special auction on Friday, September 24.

GWR FM's Howard Taylor will be the auctioneer.

All money raised will go to the Abby Smith Cancer Fund, an umbrella charity that gives regular donations to CALM and Oxford's John Radcliffe Hospital.

The fund was named after the three-year-old who died two years ago from a cancerous brain tumour.

The little girl's mother, Helen, and grandmother, Hazel, both of Woodhall Park, have fundraised tirelessly to give hope to other suffers. The event starts at 8pm and finishes at midnight.

Admission is £15 and includes food.

For tickets and further information call Helen on 01793 526571.