13869/1THE French Horn public house has been judged the best floral decorated commercial premises in Pewsey in a contest run by the parish council to identify the best private and commercial gardens in the village.

The outside of the French Horn overlooking the Kennet and Avon Canal, has been turned into a riot of colour by licensees Barry and Pauline Ineson, who only took over the popular pub-restaurant in October.

They chose cascading plants so that the window-sill floral baskets hang down over the flower tubs giving a waterfall effect of flowers down the pub's front wall.

Mr Ineson said they used a firm called Chelsea Flowers to provide the displays but both he and his wife decided what flowers to put together and what colour scheme they wanted.

The results of the village competition were announced at the start of the parish council meeting last Tuesday.

Peter Fishlock of 4 Rawlins Road won the council's award for the best kept garden.

Two neighbours in Broadfields clinched second and third place.

Mr Golly Black of 27a Broadfields got second place for his garden and neighbour Mrs J Miles of 27 Broadfields third.

The cup for the best-kept allotment garden went to David Weston.

The second place however, went to former parish councillor Denis Collings, an allotment enthusiast, and third to Mrs S Messenger.

Standards in the competition were high again this year.