I would like to respond to the letters from Brian and Caroline Hammond, Noah's Ark Nursery (EA, Oct 8 and 9) and state that children are welcome in Old Town Contrary to the headline there is no need to "beware of them."

The sarcasm and arrogance towards Mrs Johnston's letter does their cause no good. Rather than trying to build bridges with the community it serves to cause further alienation.

Many who have opposed a nursery in Marlborough Road have been actively involved with young children and their play myself included. Sue Hooper, an earlier correspondent, spends much of her time working with children organising events.

The opposition is not against nurseries but against the inappropriate location. Lakeside is unspoilt by inappropriate develop- ment and commercialism.

The Residents' Association has done much to preserve a little corner of Swindon.

And, unlike the Okus property, it is covered by covenants which will bind purchasers.

Glyn Harris

Broome Manor Lane