The letter from the Hammonds only illustrates everything that has concerned all the residents who will be affected by this change of use from a residence to a nursery.

They cynically suggest M Johnston will have to close windows, draw the curtains etc in case there is a child in a garden nearby.

Well, Mr and Mrs Hammond, who will not be actually living on the premises, why do you need to have a licence for up to 60 children?

None of us would object to a child, or two or three or even four but why at least 30 and a maximum of 60?

We all love children but we moved here to enjoy the peace.

The Hammonds also refer to their position in Okus Road at the entrance to an industrial estate with heavy traffic where the closest house is 60 feet away, which is hardly comparable,

I think you should grow up Mr and Mrs Hammond and not demonstrate the manners of the gutter when addressing a fellow human being. It's not the best way to gain favour.

Greg Dunningham

Marlborough Road