I NOTED the feeble quibble of Derek Benfield (EA Sep 24) with some incredulity concerning the protest over Coate New Town plans. He hasn't quite grasped the plot has he?

From Dayhouse Lane there is still an uplifting view of Liddington Hill in its rural setting, although already marred by the GWH.

What mind set would compound this folly and advocate building a New Town beneath Liddington puzzles and concerns me.

The views and the setting are there now, for all Swindonians and visitors, a physical and spiritual heritage.

And who would impose this nightmare? A collection of landowners, developers, politicians (some of whom perhaps have self serving objectives in mind) and professional advocates and administrators (again some of whom perhaps, even properly, have career objectives in mind).

Few of this coterie are, or will be, long term residents of Swindon.

Yes, of course I know that Coate could still be there in name, yet what's gone is gone and this town is prone to lose things, and regret.


Upham Road