GAZETTE: THIRTY-FIVE mums, dads, grannies and granddads went back to school last Monday as part of By Brook Valley's Bring Your Family to School Day.

The primary school in Yatton Keynell invited loved ones to see what goes on in the classroom and to participate in lessons.

Headteacher Bev Ball said: "It was a great success. The children were just thrilled to have their families in school and were very proud to show them around."

Teachers carried on with the normal lessons while parents got to see how different things are compared to 'the good old days'.

They watched in awe as pupils learned from an interactive whiteboard and dads made the most of playtime by having a game of football in the playground with the children.

The day is part of a national campaign that raises awareness of the importance and scope of family learning.

The school plans to make the occasion an annual event.