Ref. 72324-01CLEAR YOUR CAR CAMPAIGN: OF course not. Nobody in their right mind would leave their valuables on show in a greenhouse in the middle of a busy car park.

But that is what police say some motorists might as well do.

For thieves in Swindon are targeting the easy pickings left on full view to them in cars, with just a simple sheet of glass to smash through.

Car break-ins are the most common type of theft in the town.

For thieves it is easier than burglary, robbery, shoplifting or mugging.

And the latest figures show that the number of thefts from cars is rising.

That is why the Evening Advertiser has today teamed up with police and council officials in a campaign to cut down on car crime.

The aim of the campaign is not to scare you.

After all, Swindon is ranked a lowly 85 out of 120 areas in a recent UK league table of car crime.

We simply want to raise awareness of the problem, particularly at a time when car parks and side streets in the town start to fill up with Christmas shoppers.

All you have to do is take steps to ensure you are not the next victim

It's simple.

Keep your car clear of all your valuables. If you don't, the thieves will.