ON Wednesday Hilary McFall (of Operation Christmas Child) visited Hilperton Village Hall to receive hats and mittens for the charity and to give a short talk.

The hats and mittens have been made by members of the Hilperton 60+ Club and others in the village, Trowbridge, Bath and Weston-super-Mare.

Toys and gifts donated by Hilperton Ladies Skittles team for the Christmas boxes were also handed over. Last year the knitters made 465 hats and 116 pairs of mittens, but they were hoping to exceed that total this year.

Three months ago you kindly printed a letter from me asking for donations of wool and more volunteer knitters. The response was overwhelming and more than 60 telephone calls were received.

I gave some of this wool to other organisations who knit for Operation Christmas Child, including the Trowbridge Physically Handicapped Club and the Monday Wednesday Club.

Unfortunately, I mislaid three or four addresses of people wishing to donate wool, for which I apologise, but would be pleased to hear from them again and anyone else who has wool to spare.


(01225) 762055