Swindon's Festival of Remembrance this year will include a song by pensioner Mary McKenzie.

Broadcaster Shirley Ludford, pictured, who is compering the festival at the Wyvern Theatre on Sunday was touched by the passion of the song which has been specifically written to commemorate the anniversary of the Normandy Landings.

Mary wrote the lyrics and her friend Sue Cope, a singer/songwriter and former TV's New faces contestant, helped with the music so that 60 Years On was born.

Mary, from Kent, said: "I felt we wanted to do something to mark the occasion so I wrote the song.''

Shirley is delighted that Sue will be singing the special song at the festival.

"It will be a relevant and topical item to include and great to have such a first for Swindon.''

The following week the song 60 Years On will be performed at the Royal Albert Hall Festival of Remembrance. Tickets to the Swindon festival at 6.30pm are £7 from 01793 524481.