I believe your newspaper owes Roger Reeves an apology for the apalling headline announcing his MBE (It's Thanks To My Jean Says Mr Humble, EA 31/12).

You have grossly insulted a member of the community who has given up so much of his life in helping so many young people.

Not one of your editorial staff has the right to call him anything but Mr Reeves.

I have had the honour of knowing Roger for many years, and I can assure you that you have made a large number of people very cross through your careless choice of insulting words.

There are hundreds, probably thousands of people in Wiltshire who know Roger and will share my view, unreservedly.

I believe your headline writer could have got away with the name Mr Modest, but chose a totally inappropriate word.


Downsview Road,


EDITOR: The dictionary definition of humble is; having or showing a modest estimate of one's importance, not proud.