I WOULD like to say thank you to the person that returned our digital camera.

Before Christmas my husband was loading the car outside my parents'house in North Bradley. Our three-year-old was crying so he was distracted and left a carrier bag, containing the camera, and some other gifts, on the pavement.

We realised what had happened about an hour later but by then the bag had already gone. My mother put a note through her neighbours' doors asking for the camera, or even just the memory card to be returned as it had some precious photos on there of our daughter's first Christmas concert.

When nothing happened after a few days we feared that it was the last we'd see of those photos.

However today the bag and all its contents were returned to my mother, having been handed in to the police. My faith in the community has been restored, and I would like to say a heartfelt thank you to the person who handed it in, and to the local police for taking what was really a trivial matter so seriously.

