HIS abysmal ignorance of the causes of the Second World War apart (letters January 4), one wonders what sort of future Mr G Scott is trying to "look after."

Does he really believe that an impoverished but armed to the teeth independent Britain is going to keep the rest of the world in order?

Like it or not, world domination by Britain ceased on June 6, 1944 and the setting up of the European Union after the 1945 peace has ensured that there has been no European war since.

The days of the nation state and all that their existence implies are over and the way forward is towards a united world of human beings who care about one another.

The European Union is a considerable step in the right direction and I do hope that Britain will play a leading part in a stronger federation of all the members.

UKIP and Mr Scott represent the greedy and jingoistic nationalism which leads to the wars he would save us from.

