75571-69The parents of a disabled girl say they fear for her future if her school is shut. Westlea primary school is one of just two mainstream primary schools in Swindon.

The other being Robert Le Kyng which has facilities for physically disabled children.

But it is under threat of closure as part of a plan to tackle empty places in West Swindon schools.

There are ten disabled children at Westlea, one of whom is five-year-old Louise Fisher who has cerebral palsy.

Her parents say they would be devastated if the school where their daughter is happy and thriving is forced to shut down.

Her mother Heather Fisher, 35, who is married to Neil, 37, said: "We did not think that Louise would be able to go to a mainstream school. But when she was three she started having lessons from teachers from Drove Road Primary who would visit her every week.

"They said she should go to mainstream school as she is a bright child.

"She is very happy at Westlea and she loves every minute of it from when she gets picked up in the bus up to the minute she gets dropped off home.

"We would be devastated if the school closed."

Louise currently receives support from two teaching assistants in the classroom and also has a member of staff with her at lunch and breaktimes who helps her to eat as she cannot feed herself.

Mrs Fisher is concerned that if she was moved to another school the same level of care and experienced staff would not be available.

She said: "There has been a unit for disabled children at Westlea for a long time and all the teachers and teaching assistants know how best to teach those children.

"Going to a new school without the experienced staff may mean some children might fall behind."

And she said it's not just teachers at Westlea that make Louise's school experience such a happy one.

"The children at Westlea are used to seeing children with disabilities from when they are in the reception class.

"Everybody knows Louise's name and the children are very friendly with her.

"She has never had to put up with any bullying but I would be worried if she went to another school."

The plans to close Westlea were revealed to governors at Westlea in a confidential report.

The report contains four options to do nothing, to reduce the number of places at the school, to close the school or to rebuild Toothill primary and close either Westlea or Oliver Tomkins primary.

A decision will be made between September and December if the Education Partnership Board decides to go ahead with a consultation in March.

A Swindon Council spokesman said: "Part of the reorganisation is to build new schools and as part of that we would look at the provision for pupils with disabilities."

Diana Milne