WE would like to thank the Advertiser and readers who donated to the Christmas Appeal.

We at the Walcot Family Centre are threatened with cuts so the party we gave the children and their families went a long way to help people feel less despondent.

We would also like to thank the readers who voted in your poll for family centres as the service they most want to keep.

We would welcome anyone who would like to visit the Walcot Family Centre and see what we offer from groups, individual and family support, accredited training, after school clubs, creches, a solicitor's surgery, a child therapist, outreach work in four hostels and home support

Family centres also bring money to the town. In our case £182,361 from foundations, trusts, local businesses, lottery and regeneration funding etc.

We feel £50,000 from the council for a year's work is not a lot but is immeasurable to people we support. Without family centres Social Services will find the knock-on effect more costly in future.


Sussex Square, Walcot, Swindon