16408/1STAFF at Warminster's Land Warfare Centre raised £1,300 for a charity highlighting Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.

Workers from Defence Estates, Army Training Estates and Landmarc raised most of the cash for Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) through regular coffee mornings.

They were drawn to the charity after hearing of 28-year-old Frome man Julian Wort who died suddenly four years ago. Mr Wort's parents now campaign for the charity locally and his mother Shirley Wort collected the cheque on Thursday.

Organiser Kath Fry said: "We raise money for a local charity each year and chose CRY for 2004. As well as the coffee and cake mornings Landmarc donated the money they saved by not sending out corporate Christmas cards.

"We'll have another coffee morning in the next few weeks and nominate our charity for this year."