I CERTAINLY agree with P Jackson, letters, Monday January 10, when he says voicing one's opinion will only fall on deaf ears, for councillors have already made their minds up.

I think the majority of us think the same. There's one thing councillor Mike Bawden was clever enough not to say, unlike his statement in the Advertiser (Dec 9 2003) after the then public consultation on tax rises for 2004.

And that was: "The result of the public consultation would not be binding.''

So why have one? Every year we are expected to dig deeper into our pockets and, unfortunately for a great many of us, there is nothing left.

We have mortgages, and other utility rises to pay, so councillors, your absurd council tax is way down in our priorities.

I think the time has come to say no, enough is enough. we can't pay and won't pay. The courts could never handle the workload.

Just remember, united we stand, divided we fall. So let us all be united and reject any rise above three per cent.

B Breakspear
