COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS: TIME is running out to nominate the champion of your community for a special award.

The Evening Advertiser has joined forces with the Mayor of Swindon to recognise the unsung heroes of the town with the first ever Champion of the Comm-unity awards.

And now there are just eight days left to nominate the person you feel deserves a reward for the work they do for the community before next Friday's deadline.

Mayor Peter Stoddart urged residents to make a nomination.

"Since I have been mayor I have seen so many things I didn't know existed and so many people doing work that nobody appreciates," he said.

"I couldn't see how Swindon could exist without all the voluntary work that goes on.

"If you know someone who has been giving their time to help others less fortunate than themselves why not enter them for on these awards and see them get the recognition they deserve?

"Although they are not looking for it sometimes I think people ought to be recognised for their efforts." The awards are devised to acknowledge and celebrate the contribution made every day by people in the communities within the Swindon Borough Council area.

Four categories have been created to make sure that all elements of community work are celebrated.

The categories are:

Community Champion

Young Community Champion

Community Sports Champion

Community Group Champions Full details are given below.

Mark Waldron, editor of the Evening Advertiser, said he was keen to see plenty of entries in each category.

"We want to hear about anyone who has worked to make a difference to their community, whether that is through fundraising, helping others or devoting their time to running local groups or clubs.

"There is even a special category to recognise the efforts of the under-16s," he said

"Young people are often criticised but many do work to help others and we should reward them for that."

Three finalists will be chosen in each category.

These people plus their chosen guests and nominees will be invited to a prestigious awards ceremony and lunch at the Swindon Council's Civic Offices where the four winners will be crowned.

The winners of each category will be selected by a panel of judges who will include the mayor and Mr Waldron.

All you need to do is make a nomination by filling in the coupon in th paper and returning it by Friday, January 28.