GAZETTE & HERALD: Chippenham Town Council is looking for speedy pancake flippers to take part in the annual High Street pancake races on Shrove Tuesday.

The event takes place on Tuesday February 8 at 11.30am outside the town hall.

Races will be held for chefs and caterers, companies and organisations, adults, children and fancy dress.

Everyone is welcome to bring along a frying pan and a pancake and take part.

And, if baking your own pancake seems like a chore, pancakes will be available from the Autumn Travellers Club in the town hall.

Entertainment will be provided on the town hall steps .

Pancake racers will be expected to wear chefs' whites, company uniform, sports gear or fancy dress.

Entry forms and further information are available from Emma King, town promotion and events manager, at the Town Hall in the High Street.