MENTAL health services in Wiltshire are facing a £2.115m overspend, councillors and NHS chiefs will hear on Wednesday.

Wiltshire's mental health provision is jointly commissioned by NHS bodies and the county council via a pooled budget and an overspend is likely on both sides.

Wednesday's meeting of the Mental Health Joint Commissioning Board will discuss the figures, which board members are asked to "note with concern".

The total pooled budget is £50.435m, which includes £36.968m health funds and £10.830m from the county council.

An overspend of £1.543m is predicted for the NHS budget while the social care budget is likely to have a £0.635m deficit.

But there is a projected underspend of £0.035m on the drug and alcohol budget.

The NHS overspend includes £0.148m costs from 2003-04 for a disputed client now confirmed as Wiltshire.

Among the recovery proposals the board will consider is using interest of £0.465m to offset the forecast overspend.