SALISBURY SPCK is holding a book sale in aid of the tsunami appeal, on Friday and Saturday next week, 10am to 4pm, in the United Reformed Church.

All money raised will go to Merlin - a British medical relief organisation already at work in stricken areas - and any unsold books will be distributed to local charities.

The event has been organised by SPCK members David Brown and David Lilley.

Mr Brown said: "I think everybody should be doing something if they can."

The SPCK needs donations of good-quality books to be taken to the United Reformed Church next Thursday, between 9am and 5pm, or between 7pm to 8pm.

Anyone unable to deliver books can call Mr Lilley, on 01722 324315, or Mr Brown, on 01722 334625, who will try to arrange collection. They are also looking for somewhere to store books for the two-day sale.