A YOUTH project group in Swindon has called on local businesses to support its work.

The Adver reported earlier this week how the organisers of the Tranquillity Zone at Hreod Parkway School had met with minister for children Margaret Hodge to discuss the project.

Now manager of the zone, Fidelma Meehan of the Swindon Youth Empowerment Project, wants more support from local companies.

She said: "Throughout the UK there's a growing problem with disaffected young people which has its consequences in anti-social behaviour.

"However results so far show that the Swindon Youth Empowerment Project offers a real solution to this problem, for example girls who had been previously in trouble with the police changed so much they became school prefects.

"We invite any business or charity organisation that is deeply concerned about young people in Swindon to investigate our project."

For further information on SYEP, contact Fidelma Meehan on 01793 465715.