SWINDON'S refuge for victims of domestic violence has reported an increase in the number of admissions.

New figures show that 188 women and 243 children were admitted during 2003/04. That's a 12 per cent rise on the previous year's figures of 167 women and 185 children.

Nationally, there has been an eight per cent rise and Jenni Manners believes it's time for the courts to get tough.

She said: "I think some of the sentencing needs to better reflect the nature of the crime.

"I am referring to the sentencing done by the town's magistrates. Judges in Swindon do treat it extremely seriously but there are times when sentencing coming out of the magistrates' court is not harsh enough.

"This encourages people to make unhelpful comparisons between driving offences and beating up a partner."

Jenni, who has devoted more than 25 years to helping battered women escape violent men, believes education is the key.

"More work needs to be done in schools so children learn that domestic violence within relationships is unacceptable."

Jenni also called for extra cash to be ploughed into programmes to help offenders change the error of their ways.

Women wanting help to flee a violent relationship should call the refuge on 01793 536447.