ONE fact that has not really been brought out in the Record Office debate is that the Chippenham site is likely to cost Wiltshire County council tax payers over £5 million pounds more than a site in Trowbridge.

The Heritage Lottery Fund rejected the Chippenham site because of its location. A Trowbridge site is far more likely to get lottery funding because it has the public transport infrastructure to ensure good access.

The current administration has been forced to strip reserves to cover the £2.75 million hole in its current budget. The Cocklebury site project will increase still further this black hole, costing Wiltshire council tax payers at least £10 million. This could be sliced in half if it was transferred to Trowbridge.

The rapidly escalating costs of the Chippenham white elephant will mean a bill of over £50 per household, across Wiltshire.

If the supposed demand from Swindon, that the Record Office be closer to them, is going to cost us millions, then they should be told to go and build their own.

Glyn Bridges

Alma Street, Trowbridge