GAZETTE & HERALD: CHILDREN can discover the magic of making puppets at a workshop in Corsham during the half-term holidays next week.

Puppeteer Josh Elwell will help children aged seven and over to create puppets and then teach them how to perform with them in front of a live audience at a show at the Pound Arts Centre.

During the workshop, the youngsters will make beautiful sea creatures including mermaids and jellyfish to be used in the performance of Storm in a Teacup, based on true stories from children who have experienced travel and change.

The workshop will run on Sunday, February 13 from 10.30am to 12.30pm, with the performance at 4pm.

It costs £9 for the workshop, which includes a ticket to the show.

Performance tickets are £6, £3 concessions and £20 for a family.

They are available from the centre on (01249) 701628.