SALISBURY district council has promised taxpayers its new centralised offices will offer value for money.

The council plans to develop office space behind its current Bourne Hill headquarters.

The project will cost an estimated £11.75m, of which £4m has already been set aside in the council's major capital programme and another £4m is expected to be raised from the sale of council-owned buildings.

One of the aims of developing centralised offices is to improve customer services - providing a 'one-stop' service.

The council has commissioned an independent report, carried out by the Audit Commission as part of the annual audit of the council, to assess whether the project offers value for money.

Portfolio holder for resources Councillor Sheila Warrander said: "We believe developing centralised offices at Bourne Hill offers the best way forward for local residents.

"Currently, we have offices scattered all around the city and it is awkward for customers who have to visit different buildings to conduct their business with the council. Most of the funding of the project is already in place and the remainder can be raised through the savings we will make and the money we will raise through sharing the new premises with other organisations."