I SHALL be most grateful if you would allow me to present a balanced and rational view on the planning committee meeting held on January 28.

Yes, the meeting was well attended by those who support the application as well as those against. However, having read the supporting briefing notes and application details which each member had and listened to the open forum and debate, I simply fail to understand what more can usefully be achieved by the decision taken to defer the application.

It is apparent that the applicants are prepared to meet virtually all of the construction/road safety concerns that had been expressed and to defer, in order to obtain further information on the viability of alternative route options at this late stage and which have already been explored, really helps no one.

Especially as it was not clear from the proposal what route options Cllr Phillips had in mind. Was it to re-visit one in particular or all four of the alternative northern routes as shown in the summary of the environmental statement? Or did he have in mind some other wider, all-embracing, scheme which would meet the needs of all the surrounding villages as well as Bradford on Avon? In which event for such to come to fruition would take years and at what cost!

Let's put this application in perspective. It is not for some major arterial bypass but a 1.1km minor distributor/link road primarily intended to relieve the village of traffic.

To reach this stage has required the support of both county and district councillors and likewise that of the Hilperton Parish Council who accept the application in principle but have objected solely on several road safety issues. Similarly, none of the relevant statutory agencies object to the application.

It appears therefore that the main body of objection stems from several hundred supporters of the Friends of Hilperton Gap who appear willing to concede that whilst the village does need a relief road it can be via any other route so long as it is not across the Gap. Surely even they must acknowledge that the same environmental/ecological arguments they make to support their objections would apply to any other alternative route.

