A STAINED glass window could become a lasting tribute to the RAF Lyneham Hercules crew who died in Iraq.

Names of the 10 men who died in the crash would be inscribed on the window at St Michael's and All Angels Churchmin Lyneham.

Jim Semple, pictured, who is founder of the Lyneham Old Boys' Association, said around £4,000 had been donated already.

"There has been so much sympathy felt for the families, and I've had lots of letters," he said. "We didn't want anything at the station because if it closed down the memorial would be lost forever.

"47 Squadron decided a couple of months ago to pay for a stained glass window at the church, so we would help pay for that and then put a plaque underneath."

Plans are also being discussed for a memorial garden at the base.

Families of the dead men still face an agonising wait for their loved-ones' funerals.

Their bodies will not be released until inquests have been opened.