COUN Callow is right in her letter (February 10) on the wheelie bins issue. We also have problems with cats etc, tearing open plastic bags.

It has been said many times that these bags are a health hazard and will continue to be so in the future.

Would those who object to these bins be happy to pay extra council tax for landfill sites?

People living in flats may complain because of access. All of us some time in our lives have had to diversify to overcome problems, wheelie bins and all.

It is surprising what can be packed away with a little effort in them.

I read that less than 50 per cent use the plastic boxes for waste paper. These people are the first to complain about council tax rises.

So thank you Coun Callow for banging the drum for the wheelies and to Kennet District Council residents. I leave you with this motto don't be dim, use a wheelie bin.


Great Bedwyn