Over the past 34 years, my wife and I have witnessed the decline of the Park North estate.

Most of the blame has to be laid at the feet of the previous Labour-controlled administration and those in control of the departments there.

It would appear little has changed, councillors overseeing various departments are still failing to supervise their operations and hold department heads responsible for errors.

One incident comes to mind. This week, an operation moved out of the old Whitbourne Garage, it has left a pile of litter and junk.

The building is open to vandals, who are going to have a field day with all the windows waiting to be smashed. It will perhaps be a couple of years before the site is demolished, so the vandals have plenty of time!

We also have the general decline of the estate's streets, the destruction of the grass verges, the lack of signs to enable whoever to operate the double yellow lines in both Frobisher Drive and Whitbourne Avenue, with their junction from Queens Drive.

Is there anybody still alive in the Borough Engineers/Swindon Services departments?

It has to be three or four years now since the double yellow lines were put in place!

We all own a share in the environment in which we live, it's about time the anti-social residents were brought to book, for destroying that environment, or perhaps allowing its destruction, by individuals who do not live in the area, besides those that do.


Park North, Swindon