WHILE I was pleased that the article regarding our Ofsted inspection (Gazette, February 3) was generally positive and complementary (reflecting a good inspection report) I was dismayed to read your headline that referred to us being 'back on track'.

This implies that we had been 'off the rails'.

Your negative comments related to the grades we had achieved on the government's Panda assessment since 2002. These statistics were taken completely out of context and do not take into account the big picture, especially when interpreted for small schools (in fact our results for 2002 were particularly good for that cohort).

In light of the above, the 'back on track' comment is totally inaccurate. I would have liked an opportunity to address this before the article was published.

As you will appreciate we take great pride in the achievements and reputations of our school and the article headline was incorrect.

We realise that this was probably an interpretation error and we have been very grateful for your support over the years.


Head teacher

Holy Trinity CE Aided Primary School

Great Cheverell
