AS a youngster travelling round the country I was always amazed as to how many towns' Bill Stickers were threatened with prosecution.

It seems Bill is alive and working hard in Swindon.

How does Andy Newman, Socialist Alliance and Stop The War Coalition member, expect to be taken seriously as a politician with his recent comments in the Adver?

He states that flyposting is a social phenomenon and that he has no idea who has posted them all over town.

Most people would consider it an act of vandalism and to suggest that he has no idea as to who is doing this stretches his credibility.

He further states that if the Conservatives can put up massive posters on billboards then it's OK.

I am sure that Mr Newman must realise that these billboards are official poster sites and there is a charge for using them. He then admits that his people do put posters up, but over ones that already exist.

No doubt if you had the job of removing unwanted posters, several layers thick, Mr Newman, you might do as responsible political groups do and pay for official sites.


The Bramptons, Swindon