I AM an advice worker at Parks Advice Point and spent yesterday telling our clients Swindon Council has decided that they no longer need our service.

All the work we do in appealing benefit decisions, helping people manage their finances, preventing homelessness, advocacy and wading through the bureaucracy at Swindon Council to resolve endless problems on behalf of people, is all apparently no longer needed.

In an ideal world there would be no need for Parks Advice Point but what the council has failed to accept is that there is, in fact, an increasing need for us and after 20 years we are a crucial part of the community.

People come for advice from all over Swindon not just from Parks and we have an excellent reputation.

Forcing sometimes the most vulnerable people, in a time of crisis, to go into the town centre for advice is not forward thinking; it is very short sighted in my opinion. Not all advice workers are prepared to work as volunteers and why should we?

It is a worthwhile job but a stressful one which is very rewarding. I am also a council tax payer and in my opinion none of the charity sector funding should be cut, it should be increased.

S Baker

