A DEVELOPER has been denied permission to build industrial units in Westbury after refusing to contribute towards road safety improvements.

Toogoods Development had its bid for 14 units in Cory Way, on West Wilts Trading Estate, turned down on Thursday night despite having the backing of planning officers.

West Wiltshire District Council's planning committee originally approved the scheme on March 10 as long as Toogoods provided £30,000 towards improving the junction between the estate and Hawkeridge Road.

But councillors reversed their previous decision after hearing the developer would not sign the agreement.

Nick Bradshaw, a transport consultant acting for Toogoods, said: "Frankly there is nothing wrong with the junction."

He said his clients would appeal and win large costs against the council if members refused the plan.

But councillors said the company's refusal to stump up for the improvements was sufficient grounds to oppose the plan.

Cllr Christopher Newbury said: "I think there has been a bit of hyperbole here. I don't think members need to feel intimidated by it."