TEENAGER Jamie Davey was putting his feet up this week after pedalling 100 miles for charity. Jamie, 13, a pupil at Matravers School, Westbury, raised £1,225 for the Wiltshire-based Hope and Homes for Children charity.

The charity is caring for youngsters orphaned and abandoned by the Asian tsunami disaster.

The teenager, who lives in Westbury Leigh, covered 100 miles of the Kennet and Avon Canal between Friday and Sunday.

His marathon effort saw him ride his bike from Bath to Kintbury in Berkshire and back.

Jamie said: "It wasn't very tiring at all. I did get a few aches, but that was at the end of the cycle.

"My target was to raise £1,000 so I was very pleased with how it went."

Speaking before the ride he said: "After the events of the tsunami disaster in Asia it made me feel I should do my bit to help sort it out.

"I chose Hope and Homes because they help children find homes and have a better future. It was a hard job to choose what to do. I love to cycle so I thought cycling along the canal would be a good experience." For more information on the charity log on to www.hopeandhomes.org