A DRINK-driver was caught by police after crashing his car into a garden. Steven Gibbons, 19, of Berryfield Park, Melksham, admitted driving while under the influence of alcohol when he appeared before magistrates in Chippenham on Thursday.

Nicholas Dunne, prosecuting, told the court Gibbons, a forklift truck driver, was arrested after crashing his Ford Fiesta into a garden in Spa Road, Melksham, at 11.15pm on March 15.

Gibbons told police he had drunk two pints of lager earlier in the evening and a breath test showed 53mg of alcohol per 100ml of breath, the legal limit is 35mg.

John Elliott, defending, said: "Mr Gibbons tells me he was drinking over a period of time but believed he was under the limit."

He was disqualified from driving for 16 months and ordered to pay a fine of £220 and costs of £45.

Ian Say, of Poynder Road, Corsham, admitted failing to provide a breath specimen when he also appeared before magistrates at Chippenham on Thursday.

Andy Pritchard, prosecuting, told the court Say was arrested crashing his car into a hedge in Melksham on March 13.

When asked to provide a breath specimen he refused and was arrested.

The case was adjourned until May 6 for pre-sentence reports to be prepared.

Nicholas Hoare, 35, of Cloford Close, Trowbridge, was fined £350, ordered to pay costs of £45 and banned from driving for 15 months after admitting driving while over the legal limit at St Stephen's Place car park, Trowbridge, on March 13.