A LONG list of concerns about a phone firm's bid to locate a mast near a housing area will be sent to planning authorities.

Vodafone has applied to build a phone mast on a grass verge off Sandridge Road, Melksham.

The plan has raised concern among nearby residents, and many attended a Melksham Town Council meeting on Monday.

The mobile phone firm already has permission for the mast to be installed but have to get planning permission for the location.

Ken Mitchell, 78, of Burniston Close, whose bungalow is only 12 metres from the proposed site, is worried about radiation and thinks it would be madness to build the mast above a water mains.

Judith Hitchins, of Churchill Avenue, wrote to Vodafone to suggest it was built next to the A3102 outside Melksham, away from housing areas.

At Monday's meeting councillors drew up a long list of concerns about the phone mast, to be sent to West Wiltshire District Council.

Cllr Margaret White said: "This is one of the nicest entrances to our town and I think the mast would detract from that."