SALES of Mini cars were up more than 10 per cent in the first quarter of the year, says BMW. British-made Minis were up 10.3 per cent from 47,774 to 52,694.

BMW said its total sales during the first quarter of 2005 rose 8.2 per cent from the same period a year ago, with the US and Germany its top markets.

The news comes after managing director Bob Bolam, pictured, revealed the Mini had been so successful that the Swindon plant, which makes parts for it, has opened a £3million tool room.

The plant in Stratton has been manufacturing Mini parts since 2003.

Mr Bolam confirmed 2005 would see the end of job cuts, after last year's culling of 730 jobs at Swindon Pressings.

"We are looking at a very bright future now. BMW is committed to the future of this plant," he said.

The new facility at the Swindon plant will be used for pressing car parts, before they are sent to the Cowley plant in Oxfordshire where the cars are manufactured.