LORD Bath's niece is getting married in a society wedding that will bring a touch of glamour to Warminster.

Sophie Thynne, 36, will marry Tarquin Campbell, 37, at Warminster Register Office in September.

They have known each other since Sophie's second birthday party and have been together for more than two years. The couple, who now live in Madrid, grew up near each other in Corsley.

Lord Bath is expected to attend the evening reception but wedding invitations have yet to go out. The wedding was announced in adverts placed yesterday in the Times and the Daily Telegraph.

Lord Christopher Thynne, 70, Sophie's father and Lord Bath's brother said: "We are delighted obviously, but absolutely shattered.

"I have been put in charge of organising and paying for the party for all her friends and family."

Lord Thynne said he had passed on the good news to his brother. "I rang and spoke to his wife Anna and she said she would pass on the news. I don't know if he will be able to come to wedding."

Miss Thynne works at a fine art gallery in Madrid and Mr Campbell works in the music industry promoting bands.

But they will return from their glamorous lifestyle in August to be married on September 3.

Lady Antonia Thynne, 64, said: "We have got photos of them at Sophie's second birthday party, so they known each other for a very long time. They went their separate ways and then met up again much later.

"Everybody is really pleased.

"We will have the ceremony in the register office and then there will be a party at our house afterwards. In Spain people often get some time off in August so it was the best time for the wedding."

Family friend of the Thynnes, Pam Goodger of Corsley has known Sophie all her life and was delighted by the news. Mrs Goodger said: "I think it is delightful and I'm just so pleased for them.

"I think it is such a lovely story that this darling girl who grew up and went to school in Horningsham is now coming back to get married in Warminster.

"I knew Tarquin's grandmother Lady Mayall very well so it's just lovely. My link with the family is that I worked at Longleat for 14 years so got to know them very well."