As a Melksham Town and district councillor I would like to respond to the letter in your paper last week criticising my town for not having any facilities for the over 40s.

Well I am now over 50 and together with many others of all ages I find plenty to do. I would hate to suggest that your correspondent should wait another 10 years before he can start enjoying himself. However, there is a very eloquent phrase which I would like to quote here "do not ask what everyone can do for you find out what you can do to help yourself".

This is not meant to be a criticism, as councillors we are being criticised for everything. It seems we are wrong when the sun shines and even when it does not.

What does your correspondent want; it might even be available in the town. The individual may be interested in space travel?

If this is the case I would be happy to provide him with a telescope that he could use from Mars, or any other celestial body, to look down at that marvellous place Melksham town and its people and then realise what he is missing.

V Oakman,

Melksham Town and WWDC councillor