Your 'Opinion' article last week focused on the very real problems of safe staffing levels in local hospitals. However, I would say, it led to an inappropriate conclusion.

West Wiltshire PPCT has not concealed the difficulty it has had in recruiting and retaining qualified nursing and medical cover.

Some areas have always been more difficult to recruit to, and as care needs have changed, employing the right staff has become even more difficult.

Staff now have considerably more choice about the type of work they do and where they do it.

Our prime concern is patient safety. Because of staff shortages we have had no choice but to temporarily redirect patients to health facilities that are able to provide the safe service we should all expect from the NHS.

As a PCT we have, over the years, applied sticking plaster to the cracks, but we are increasingly concerned this approach will no longer give us the results we require, hence the need to review services to ensure we can build sustainable models of care for the future.

As Chair of West Wiltshire PCT, I am committed to the organisation being as open and honest as possible. I can assure you the PCT can be trusted and will listen to local people.

We are about to launch a very extensive engagement and consultation process that will do more than that. Our health review will actively involve and include patients, the public, politicians, staff, partner organisations, GPs and the primary care team.

We can't, and don't want to, make decisions on our own. If we can reach an understanding of health needs and local aspirations and share information. concerns and constructive ideas, we will be in a better position to develop informed proposals for the future.

The media has an important part to play in this, especially if it is willing to engage in the wider debate about future health care and not single issues. We would welcome a closer working relationship with your paper that will keep your readers informed of both sides of the story.

S Bowen,


West Wiltshire Primary Care Trust,


White Horse Business Park,
