26360-62THE Home Office has invited Swindon's award winning junior wardens to take part in a national conference.

Three youngsters, Callum Batford, 14, Jessica Jefferies, 12 and Dion Lee, 13, will share their experiences of being juniors wardens and promoting good citizenship with senior members of police forces from England and Wales.

The Swindon volunteers have been asked to speak at a national event at Windsor on Saturday.

The Anti Social Behaviour Unit, part of the Home Office, wants the kids from Swindon to tell police and other community safety experts why they volunteered to be wardens and the benefits for them and the community.

Swindon will be held up as an example of where the warden scheme has been a particular success.

The talks will also highlight the support that the young people receive from the Swindon Street Wardens and other partners in the Parks and East Walcot area.

Three junior wardens, who will be accompanied by the Street Wardens, will be speaking at the event.

The junior wardens representing the team are Cabinet member for Community Safety, Coun Brian Ford said: "I am delighted with Swindon being recognised in this way, and am equally delighted that the young people of Parks and Walcot are showing and sharing the innovative ways which we can work together to help make our town a safer place to live.

"I hope that the information we share can help make other parts of the country to become safer and we will continue to work to make Swindon the safest town in the country."

Fifty junior wardens, aged between eight and 16, help their community by clearing rubbish, removing graffiti and reporting flytipping.

To find out how you can get involved with the junior street wardens contact the Street Warden Unit on 01793 491 930.