Annette Collins, 45A TEARFUL mum was devastated to discover a message branding her 'ugly' on her mobile phone.

Annette Collins, 45, was left humiliated when she received the message from an employee at Welcome Financial Services, which has a branch in Swindon..

And, she was so upset the mum-of-six phoned the Swindon office to make a formal complaint.

She was distraught to hear a Welcome worker say she was ugly in a remark to another employee not realising they were connected to her answer phone.

When she heard the message, she telephoned the Swindon office to complain.

She said: "I was in such a state. I just couldn't believe what had happened.

"I felt really humiliated and upset. I phoned their Swindon office and could hardly talk because I couldn't stop sobbing.

"The awful thing is that about eight months ago, I stopped taking medication for depression and when I got home I just wanted to reach for the Prozac."

Mrs Collins added: "I am not under any illusions, I don't think I am beautiful I just think I am ordinary.

"To hear someone actually say you are ugly is quite a shock.

"It has really shaken my confidence."

A spokesman for Welcome Financial Services said: "We treat all allegations of this nature very seriously and will be investigating fully.

"We are very sorry that Mrs Collins has experienced distress, and we are still waiting to establish the facts."