AN OPEN day at Cricklade's North Meadow will give visitors a chance to learn about the wildlife and history of the nature reserve.

English Nature is inviting local residents and visitors to the open day on Saturday, April 16.

The reserve is a flower-rich hay meadow with a huge variety of wildflowers, but is most famous for playing host to Britain's largest population of the rare snake's head fritillary.

In spring the fritillaries flower, turning the meadow into a mass of purple and white.

The day begins with displays in Cricklade's Scout Hall, and a chance to talk to staff from English Nature, the Cricklade Bloomers, and the Cricklade Court Leet, an ancient manorial court, which manages the meadow.

Cricklade Scouts will be providing refreshments. The drop-in session runs from 10am to 2pm.

Between 11am and 2pm there will be guided walks in the North Meadow.

Gemma Harding, the meadow's warden, said: "We look forward to welcoming people to North Meadow at its best.

"This event is also the perfect opportunity to get some inspiration for English Nature's competition, 'The Seasons of North Meadow', which offers great prizes to children and adults for the best artistic or photographic interpretation of the beauty and special nature of North Meadow."

Booking is essential for the walks. Telephone 07875 254124.

For more details of the telephone 01380 726344 or visit