CORONER'S staff in Gloucester who are trying to trace relatives of a 52 year old man who died at the end of March believe he may have sisters living in Swindon.

So far all enquiries to try to locate the next of kin of Derek French of Parkend Road, Gloucester, have drawn a blank.

Gloucester coroner's officer Maurice Golding said: "Mr French died at the end of March and we have been told that he is thought to have at least one if not two sisters who live somewhere in the Swindon area.

"Unfortunately Mr French's paperwork does not reveal anything about them and I have been unable to trace them through his GP and Family Health Authority records.

"I know it will be a shock for his sisters to learn of his death in this way but I am sure they would rather know about it than not.

"No funeral has been organised yet and we shall do nothing about that for a couple of weeks in the hope that next of kin can be located."

Mr Golding stressed that Mr French had died from natural causes and there was no need for an inquest to be held.

Anyone who believes they are related to Mr French or who knows where members of his family can be found should contact Mr Golding on 01452 305661.