I SEE the Conservatives on Swindon Council have nothing better to do than fiddle while Rome burns.

I refer to their idea to cause chaos and confusion in people's minds about where, when and if drivers of cars can use bus lanes.

If their suggestion is acted upon residential backwaters will become rat runs again, the easy to understand message "24 hours" will be lost and bus lanes will be used by cars at prohibited times.

The slight advantage buses enjoy will be eroded and any notion of green travel will be lost.

Allowing cars into some bus lanes will be dangerous, there will still need to be some exclusions, how will the public know?

Other drivers, possibly those wishing to gain some unlawful advantage over others, will use the uncertainty to plead "I thought we could use them all the time, I saw it in the newspaper."

At best this proposal will confer no advantage of mobility of people around Swindon.

I attended the recent budget essential services for disadvantaged people around the town. Surely the cost of changing all the signs (I guess at £25,000) could be put to some use to the advantage of local people and not wasted on such a scheme?

Come on Swindon Council. I was a member when all parties signed up to the results of a consultation paper about reducing congestion, then and in the future.

Conservatives, don't go back on this idea. Locally, bus usage has bucked the national trend.

With potentially two new park and ride schemes in the air, reaffirm your suggestion for safer roads and a better environment for the town.


Park South, Swindon