A GROUP of 24 pensioners from Swindon have hit the jackpot by winning £9.42m in the National Lottery.

The delighted syndicate from Margaret Matthews Court a sheltered housing complex in St Albans Close, Rodbourne, scooped the massive win in Saturday's National Lottery rollover. No one else had the winning numbers.

A member of the syndicate travelled to Cardiff today to pick up the cheque from Camelot.

They bought the ticket from the Rodbourne Road Post Office where staff are celebrating the news.

Joanne Wilson, 55, sold the ticket to a member of the syndicate as she has every Saturday for the past six years.

She said: "I know they've had little wins before but nothing like this. I was in the home on Saturday night for the weekly bingo game and one of the ladies told me they had got five numbers in the lottery.

"They were absolutely gobsmacked. I think they were in shock really. It really hadn't sunk in at all. We've never had anyone win so much before. I expect this will be good publicity for the shop."

Janet Fuller who works in the Bread Line bakery in Rodbourne Road and lives next door to Margaret Matthews Court was over the moon to hear about her neighbours' win.

"Good luck to them I say. It's really great news. I'm so excited that something like this has happened right on my doorstep.

"Perhaps they will buy two pasties from us now instead of one.

"I play the lottery every week and the most I've won is £90. If I won I'd retire and buy a place in Spain."

Sue Jefferies, 64, lives in Morris Street and knows many of the people in Margaret Matthews Court.

She said: "I'm thrilled for them. I just hope they have a damn good time with this money.They are all lovely people and they deserve it.

"If I won that much I'd give lots of it away. Just think how happy you could make people with that much money."

Cyril Hill, 84, is retired and lives in Rose Street.

He said: "Good luck to them, I wish I could win. It's hard to think what I'd spend it on at my age."

Coun Des Moffatt (Labour, Western) covers the Rodbourne area.

He said: "It's brilliant, I'm delighted for them. What will they do with it?"

Bernice Shailes, of Greenmeadow, an Adver neighbourhood News correspondant, was also thrilled to hear about their success.

She said: "Oh how super, it's so wonderful, at their time of life.

"I think it's just fantastic, they'll be able to do everything they want to do."

She added: "I'd like the chance to do that."

Diana Milne