ELECTION '05: ELECTION candidates will be quizzed on the war in Iraq at a meeting two days before polling day.

Swindon Stop The War Coalition has organised the meeting, which will be chaired by former Swindon MP Lord Stoddart.

It will allow members of the public to question the candidates on any issue, but particularly on their attitude to the war and towards the continued deployment of British troops in Iraq.

The Rev Sidney Hinkes, the chairman of the Swindon coalition, said: "Obviously the General Election will decide who forms the next government, and therefore voters will be considering other issues apart from the invasion of Iraq, and the subsequent occupation.

"Nevertheless the 'war on terror' and the subsequent impact on civil liberties are defining issues of our age, and we would be interested in the views of the candidates."

Andy Newman, who will stand for Socialist Unity in North Swindon, is secretary of Swindon Stop The War Coalition, and Bill Hughes, who will stand for the Green Party in South Swindon, is the vice-chairman.

But organisers of the meeting stress that they do not favour any party or parties in the election.

The meeting, which will be held at 7.30pm on Tuesday, May 3, at Steam in Kemble Drive, will be attended by South Swindon candidates Robert Buckland (Con), Sue Stebbing (Lib Dem), and Mr Hughes and North Swindon candidates Michael Wills (Lab), Robin Tingey (UKIP) and Mr Newman.