IT was not until I had finished reading the letter from Andy Newman in which he set out his idea on dealing with the drug problem that I realised that the date was in fact April 1.

If the matter was not so serious his letter would be in contention for the joke of the year.

He fails to mention the drug habit is self-inflicted, neither does he say who should pay for the drugs on prescription.

There is also no mention of the hundreds of people who will be killed by drug-addicted motorists if his plan was put into action.

There is only one treatment for criminals and that is a long prison sentence in a prison where visits are cut to the minimum and visitor and inmate meetings take place with a glass screen between them.

A prison where food is strictly rationed and hard work is at a maximum.

Forget about a poor upbringing and human rights. Make prison a place where the punishment fits the crime and no one would spend a second spell inside.

Then, and only then, will we be safe in our homes and walk the streets without fear of mugging.

