THE Open Door Centre, based in Swindon's Old Town, provides a specialist day resource for adults with learning disabilities, physical disabilities and/or mental health problems.

This is a valuable resource for people within the borough who have a variety of special needs and for whom regular full-time employment is not currently an option. The centre is highly regarded within the borough and is popular with users of the facilities, who have a significant part to play in shaping the services it provides.

The centre believes strongly in a philosophy of empowerment and encouraging user-involvement, and the members themselves decide on what activities are organised. Consequently there is a stimulating and varied activity programme.

The centre staff also become involved in all aspects of the members lives and regularly attend members review meetings, as well as providing arms length care management, such as liaising with care managers and support workers, and monitoring health issues.

All members are respected as adults and are given every opportunity to exercise their right to be heard. The Open Door Centre recognises that people with learning disabilities have the same needs as the rest of society to learn, to undertake meaningful and fulfilling work and to socialise with a wide range of other people, but ultimately to exercise some control over their own lives.

With the funding from the Charity Ball, we aim to replace 25 armchairs for use by our members. This will greatly add to the comfort of the 100 people who use the service.