Swindon Scrapstore is a registered charity, which provides a vital link between the business world and the local community.

Scrapstore collects clean, re-usable, non-toxic waste from businesses and makes it available to the local community. We promote re-use, recycling and sustainable waste management as a means of reducing the environmental impact of waste and its disposal demonstrating that the 'management of waste is sound business practice.'

Scrapstore provides free material resources to 400+ local organisations involved in play, education and recreation in and around Swindon, thus making their services more cost effective and at the same time stimulating creativity.

Scrapstore also provides volunteering opportunities, vocational training and transitional and permanent supported employment opportunities for people disadvantaged in the labour market by virtue of their mental health, physical disability or learning difficulties. Scrapstore promotes good health by social inclusion, integration in the community and a good work/life balance leading to greater personal and economic independence.

Olivia McCann

Project Manager